How to access my projects through WAMPSERVER

Oh no!!!, I can't access files in my project folder in Wampserver. How can I access my projects through Wampserver?, well, that is exactly what this piece of tutorial is all about. Now lets take it bit by bit so that we can solve this very problem at hand as we intend to do right now. If  I may ask, have you successfully downloaded and install you Wampserver?. That is actually funny right. then I assume you have already done that already. Ok let's take the following steps to solve our desired problem at hand.

Steps On how to enable access permission for your project files on wampserver www directory.

→ Double click your Wampserver icon on your desktop screen and start it.

→ Check if the Wampserver icon on the taskbar tray has turn green.

→ If not  left click on the icon and click "Start all services".

→ Click on the "www directory and open it.

→ Locate your "index.php" file.

→ Right click on the "index.php" file

→ Select "open with"  and choose notepad editor or your choice editor.

→ Now you should be seen a bunch of  lines of codes.

→ Press CTRL + F to display the "Find" dialog box.

→ Type the following in the search box  "$suppress_localhost".

→ Click on the " Find next" button, and you will see a text highlighted in blue color.

→ Change the value of $suppress_localhost from true to false.

→ Now hold CTRL + S to save the changes to the file.

That is just it all you need to do  now is to restart your  Wampserver services and click on "Localhost" to open your Wampserver homepage just locate your project folder below and click it now and it will execute an html file in your project folder if it doesn't locate you browser address bar and type your html file name after the last directory forward slash "http://localhost/My Project/" for example http://localhost/My Project/index.html and hit the Enter button on your keyboard.
Great!! sit back and see your html page display on your browser screen.

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