How to become a programmer

Today I will be sharing with you, how to become a programmer. WooW!  This may sound pretty much cool to hear. But before we consider ourselves ready to acquire the require skill needed,  to become a programmer. We have to know some necessary requirement and techniques will need to develop to become success in our journey as a programmer. The requirement are:

Be determined:
When I say you need to be determine you may start wondering how?. Actually to become a programmer been determine is a core requirement or attribute you most possess to succeed as a programmer. You need to make up your mind to persist to the end that is to continue studying any programming language you decide to begin with. And the second requirement is.

Be very inquisitive:
You most never give up in finding out how a particular programming syntax  works you much continually read about any syntax until you understand how to use them proper to perform a task.

Choose a programming language:
Many people who knows how  to program in different programming language do arguably say web base languages like html or css are easier  to start with as a programmer but my opinion on that aspect is opposing because I believe every one can begin  programming in any language to begin with sit down tight and study any language element bit by bit and you will discover are easily is is to learn any one.

Learn bit by bit:
If you really want to become a programmer you most know that you can't master everything in a very short time but you can read everything as fast as you can. But the excess of learning any programming language is to understand how the works so you can combine  them together and create meaningful application.

Make it your hobby:
If you  make any programming language your hobby it is certain that you will not get bore up doing them but always feel happy practicing them when you are opportune.

Ask questions when stock up:
When you are confuse about how any programming element work make a google search on what is it use for and how to use them to perform a task.

Be ready to read as  much as you can:
How fast you can become a good  programmer and a successful one depend on how much you can read and comprehend fact about a particular programming language.

Relax a bit when you are tired:
It is a good practice  to rest whenever you feel stressed up programming and then  continue to think about how to figure out solution to you problems.
