How to become a good blogger series 1/3

Hello my audience!!. You are welcome to my blog. Today I will be taking you through series 1/3 on How to become a good blogger and make a better living out of it. It is an outstanding  noted issue that new bloggers get stock on how to create a blog or make their blog look awesome as they intend to do. Sometimes they loose confidence of becoming a better blogger but the reason is that they try to achieve everything at  a single shot which turns out to be an overwhelming situation for them. Now let's be more illustrative take for an example you want to start up a business and you don't have much money. The very first thing you do is to make a business plan, get it approve, get the most  important material you need and start rendering your service and as you succeed you make more improvement daily to become better the same thing applies to blog. All you need to do is create either a paid blogger account or a free account an keep going. If you my post on how to launch a  wordPress blog or you want to go for a free blogging account also read my post on how to create a blogger let's look at how to become good in blogging by following this step by step guide on. How to become a good blogger.

Step 1: observing other people  Worries:
              Oh! how do I observe other people's worries?. Yes you have to. By taking note of every unanswered question you have to you find on other peoples blog you read or question's you feel that it was not properly answered. and then put down the proper answers down on your blog base on your understanding of the question and not a copy and paste to create a sense of uniqueness for your blog
Step 2: Research to solve a discovered problem:
             Whenever you come across a problem you have less understanding to explain properly the best thing to do is to make more research work concerning that problem and write down you answer's to them on your blog.

Step 3: Reading other people's blog:
             As a blogger it is a matter of necessity to read other peoples blog and learn new ideas's on doing thing and probably you may catch a question or fact that you can build on to teach people for instance you class teacher was a student who learn't  from a teacher and probably almost all he/she is teaching you is what is learnt and understood earlier before when you read other people's blog you learn how to write for others to read also.

Step 4: Read comment from your blog or other and other peoples blog:
             When you come across other's  people's post make sure you read the comment section and also unanswered question as this is a better way of deriving useful topics to blog on. Now we will  be taking a break here but if you are curious about knowing more about how to improve your blogging skills you can proceed to series 2/3 of How to become a good blogger.
